
Home and Alternative Education Expo's

To the KZN EduXplore Expo
Grace Church - 14 Sep 2024
To the CHE EduXplore Expo
Sunningdale Sports Centre - 12 Oct 2024

The Why

Globally, we observe a changing paradigm regarding education. In rethinking the future readiness for their children and taking on self-responsibility, more and more families are moving away from state-controlled education to parallel and other alternatives. This is particularly visible in the fast-growing home education movement, the establishment of new private schools and school groups, the rise of cottage schools and learning centers and the many out-of-classroom opportunities.

Home education in particular has gained a large following in South Africa and currently has one of the richest home education families in the world. At first this growth was a response to the weakening of state education, but families soon discovered the deeper and enriching value of this self-reliance and freedom lifestyle.

The target market of EduXplore consists mainly of cooperative families who value lifelong learning and an adventurous life journey with a view to continuous and sustainable vocation fulfillment and personal satisfaction, in which income follows their heart and not the other way around.

EduXplore is not only aimed at school learning and is not limited to persons of school age, but the cosmos of exhibitors and activities at the expo offers inspiring and thought-stimulating possibilities, tools and an enjoyable milieu for families in their adventurous journey of discovery in ‘ a world whose future is constantly changing and full of surprises.

The Who

The expos listed on this website are usually organized as a joint effort between a local or provincial homeschooling group, SA Homeschoolers and KragDag, as the responsible entity for administrative and logistical management.
SA Homeschoolers, an old well-known name among the home schooling community in South Africa, empowers parents to choose the best education for their children. The website ( has been active since January 2011 and is established as the most comprehensive independent website on homeschooling in South Africa.

The magazine, Fair Lady wrote the following in an article about homeschooling: “….so many people recommended the SA Homeschoolers website that I’ve included it in the piece as a trusted resource for people wanting more information.” The website is supported by and is integrated with a Facebook page and a YouTube channel.

Since 2013, KragDag ( has taken on the task of organizing the provincial homeschooling expos in South Africa in collaboration with SA Homeschoolers. Initially, an annual expo was only presented in Johannesburg, but this expanded until expos were presented in KZN, Cape Town and Gauteng in 2019. With its motto “Do your own thing”, KragDag also presents the annual KragDag alternative Energy, self-reliance, agriculture and break-away expo, outside Pretoria. In 2023, this expo was attended by 36,000 exhibitors and 600 exhibiting companies.